Biggest Penis On The Internet
First of all, we have to define what small really means and what statistics apart from any personal impressions and taste actually say: The flaccid size is irrelevant, some men have a rather small penis growing to enormous size when erect, on the other hand there are men with a rather impressive flaccid penis that just erects itself when
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In a world where men think they can lie about their penis size, there exists a magical place called the Internet. And on this Internet, there are people like us who find actual penis size statistics and call those liars out when they’re incorrect on being erect.
Just a few days ago the internet was going bananas over a trick of light which made a woman look as if she had an astonishingly large dong. That was just
Best is too subjective to answer, but below is a list of top websites. Pick your poison.
A description of all aspects of male sexuality, including penis size and health, penile anatomy, masculinity and sex.
New York man once thought to have the world’s biggest penis brands the Mexican ‘who has overtaken him’ a cheat for ‘using weights’ to gain extra length
Conclusions. The Internet has many message boards full of pleas for help and information from men and teenage mans obsessed that they have an abnormal penis: too long, too short, the wrong shape, size or whatever.
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