Healthy Teen Network For
You can do a lot to help your teenage with healthy eating habits, at a time when your needs to eat more but might be trying out unhealthy food.
If you find your teen smoking, take it seriously. Stopping teen smoking in its tracks is the best way to promote a lifetime of good health. As a parent, you’re a powerful influence in your teen’s life. However, if you smoke, your teen might interpret your actions as an endorsement for the behavior
Information about Healthy Start infant mortality prevention program.
Each year, Healthy Teen Network is honored to recognize individuals for their achievements and organizations for the outstanding …
You’d be hard pressed to find a teen who isn’t glued to their smartphone these days. But what about that teen who’s being bombarded with text messages from a significant other – is that just normal behavior or perhaps a sign of “textual harassment”? February is Teen Dating Awareness Month, and despite startling statistics—such
About the Author. Gina Desiderio, Healthy Teen Network Director of Communications, has over 10 years of capacity-building and project management experience, supporting professionals to provide programs and services to empower youth to thrive.
Packing healthy lunches for ren isn’t always easy. But with our healthy lunch ideas, your ’s lunch box options will be nutritious – and tasty!
Green Mountain at Fox Run is new Sponsor of Healthy Weight Week After our many years of spearheading HEALTHY WEIGHT WEEK and its awards, Healthy Weight Network welcomes a new sponsor for the event.
Emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and respect for healthy living, as well as the appreciation of size diversity and positive body image.
Program description of Healthy Families New York (HFNY). The Programs that Work section of the Promising Practices Network (PPN) site features descriptions of evaluated programs that improve outcomes for ren. PPN programs are organized by four major outcome areas, and sub-categorized by indicators within each outcome area. …